Dashboards Are Useless

Except for this one thing…

Jacques-A. Gerber
5 min readSep 13, 2021


Photo by Myriam Jessier on Unsplash

Data being the new oil, it’s been refined and distributed into Key Performance Indicators and Objectives and Key Results and served at your nearest desk station as flashy dashboards after going through pipelines of fiber optics, number crunchers, and almighty artificial intelligence. Most of it is useless and a massive waste of time and energy.

From smartwatches reporting on your daily steps to CRM systems reminding your sales force how many more deals they have to close this quarter, not to forget your latest Covid-19 dashboard, most data reporting is about measuring performance. This is all nice and sexy, but who cares? Surely, after a few months of measuring your walking habits, your smartwatch might have helped you be more active, but now what? CRM reports might help newbies learn their craft, but show me a senior salesperson who does not think it’s taking their time off a deal they could be closing instead. And please don’t let me get into Covid-19 dashboards…

The point here is that such reports are only helpful for a limited time during your learning curve. Once you get it, they’re useless. We’ll get back to that.

Not all dashboards and other data reports are designed only for measuring performance. They may also be designed for detecting trends and making predictions. That’s…

